Answer to the Years by Lutpulla Mutellip Translated by Memet T Zunun


Answer to the Years

يىللارغا جاۋاپ

Lutpulla Mutellip

Translated by

Memet T Zunun


Time moves ceaselessly, it waits for none,

Years pass swiftly, their journey is done.

The flowing waters, the dawn's gentle light,

Once gone, they elude us, out of sight.


Years, like thieves, steal moments away,

Chasing one another in an endless sway.

In youth's embrace, nightingales are still,

Leaves wither and fall, nature's quiet thrill.


Youth, a precious time for a young man's claim,

Yet fleeting, its brevity a heartfelt flame.

A torn calendar page, a leaf's descent,

Symbols of youth's passing, a poignant lament.


The years blow on, leaving tracks concealed,

A tree without leaves, its fate sealed.

Years bear gifts, not arriving in vain,

For girls, wrinkles; for men, beards to gain.


But it is not right to curse the passing years,

Each follows its path, free from our fears.

People, too, must not squander time's embrace,

They turn deserts into oases, leaving a trace.


Years bestow abundance, opportunities abound,

Mountains of wisdom rise, steadfast and profound.

Behold Tursun, once an infant so small,

Yesterday crawling, now standing tall.


Children in pursuit, chasing years gone by,

Their battles, their legacy, for generations to try.

Those who sacrifice for happiness's delight,

Flowers adorn their graves, blooming ever bright.


Whether gifted by years or a beard's growth,

I, too, am shaped by time's ebb and flow.

My creations bear the imprint of my soul,

A testament to the years that slip and roll.


In the eternal battle, at life's height,

My poem becomes a star, shining in the night.

On the hill of mortality, where struggles reside,

I recall the triumph of perseverance, never to hide.


I follow the call, hands firm on a tempered gun,

Marching to the front with a flag, undeterred and strong.

The battlefield's allure never tires my will,

Victorious we emerge, on the path of triumph still.


Years, do not mock with haughty pride,

Death's presence, more than blushing, I confide.

Do not fret over my aging, its relentless pace,

I will dedicate my son to the final battle's embrace.


Though the seas of years may churn and rage,

Our vision expands, horizons on each page.

As the years startle, as they pass us by,

We answer with creation, aging with a sigh.


ۋاقىت ئالدىراڭغۇ ساقلاپ تۇرمايدۇ،

يىللار ۋاقىتنىڭ ئەڭ چوڭ يورغىسى.

ئاققان سۇلار، ئاتقان تاڭلار قايتىلانمايدۇ،

يورغا يىللار ئۆمۈرنىڭ يامان ئوغرىسى.


ئوغرىلاپلا قاچىدۇ ئارقىغا يانماي،

بىر-بىرىنى قوغلىشىپ، يورغىلىشىپ.

ياشلىق بېغىدا بۇلبۇللار قانات قاقماي،

يوپۇرماقلار قۇيۇلىدۇ پورلىشىپ.


ياشلىق ئادەمنىڭ زىلۋا بىر چېغى،

تولىمۇ قىسقا ئۇنىڭ ئۆمرى بىراق،

يىرتىلسا كالىندارنىڭ بىر ۋارىقى،

ياشلىق گۈلىدىن تۆكۈلىدۇ بىر تال يۇپۇرماق.


يىللار شامىلى يەلپۈنىدۇ، ئىزلار كۆمۈلىدۇ،

يوپۇرماقسىز دەرەخ بىچارە-بولىدۇ قاخشال.

يىللار سېخى قۇرۇق كەلمەيدۇ ئەكىلىپ بېرىدۇ،

قىزلارغا قورۇق، ئەرلەرگە ساقال.


بىراق يىللارنى تىللاش توغرا كەلمەيدۇ،

مەيلى ئۆتىۋەرسۇن، ئۆزىنىڭ يولى.

ئادەملەرمۇ ۋاقىتنى قولدىن بەرمەيدۇ،

چۆللەرنى بوستان قىلغان ئادەملەر قولى.


يىللارنىڭ قوينى كەڭ، پۇرسىتى نۇرغۇن،

تاغدەك ئىشلار يىللار بىلەن ئۆرە تۇرىدۇ.

قاراپ باق ئاخشامقى بوۋاق كىچىككىنە تۇرسۇن،

تۈنۈگۈن ئۆمىلەپ، ھە… بۈگۈن مېڭىپ يۈرىدۇ.


كۆرەشچان بالىلار قوغلىشىپ يىللار،

كۆرەش نەۋرىلىرىنى چوقۇم تاپىدۇ.

ئاخشام بەخىت ئۈچۈن قۇربان بولغانلار،

قەبرىسىنى يادلاپ گۈللەر ياپىدۇ.


مەيلى ساقال سوۋغا قىلسا قىلسۇن يىللار،

مەنمۇ تاۋلىنىمەن يىللار قوينىدا.

ئىجادىم شېئىرىمنىڭ ئىز تامغىسى بار،

ئالدىمدىن قېچىپ ئۆتكەن ھەر يىل بوينىدا


قېرىماسمەن كۆرەشنىڭ كەسكىن چېغىدا،

شېئىرىم يۇلتۇز بولۇپ يانار ئالدىمدا.

ئۆلۈم پەستە قېلىش كۆرەشنىڭ داۋانلىق تېغىدا،

چىدام غەيرەتنىڭ يەڭگىنى ھەريان يادىمدا.


ئېسىلارمەن مىلتىق ئېتىپ تاۋلانغان قولغا،

يېپىشارمەن بايراق بىلەن ئالغا ئاتلىغان يولغا.

كۈرەش باياۋانىدا ھارماسمەن ئەسلا،

يېڭىش بىلەن كېلىپ چىقىمىز كەڭ غالىب يولغا.


يىللار مەيدەڭنى تۇتۇپ قاقاقلاپ كۈلمە،

ئالدىڭدا قىزىرىشتىن ئارتۇق كۆرىمەن ئۆلۈمنى.

قېرىتىمەن دەپ ئارتۇق كۆڭۈل بۆلمە،

ئاخىرقى جەڭگە ئاتاپ قويارمەن ئوغلۇمنى.


يىللار دېڭىزى دولقۇنلۇق بولساڭمۇ،

ئۇپۇقلىرىڭنى يارىدۇ بىزنىڭ كاراپ.

يىلنىڭ ئۆتۈشى بىلەن قورقىتىپ باقساڭمۇ،

ئىجاد يىللارنى قېرىتىدۇ دەپ بېرىمىز جاۋاب.




 Translated in March 2011 

Lutpulla Mutellip

Mt Zunun

Lutpulla Mutellip, also known as Qaynam Orkishi, Lutun, or Li Mutalifu, was a Uyghur poet and journalist who left an indelible mark on modern Uyghur literature. Born on November 22, 1922, he is celebrated for his poignant poetry, which showcased the beauty of the Uyghur language and spoke to the aspirations of his people. Although his life was tragically cut short at the age of 22, Lutpulla Mutellip's contributions to Uyghur literature and his unwavering commitment to Uyghur independence cemented his legacy as a national hero for the Uyghur people.

Early Life and Education:

Lutpulla's educational journey began at a Tatar school in Ghulja, where he received his elementary education. His early years laid the foundation for his future literary endeavors and his deep-rooted connection to his Uyghur heritage. After completing his high school education in 1939, he moved to Ürümqi, the capital of Silkland, to pursue further studies.

Literary Career:

In Ürümqi, Lutpulla Mutellip continued his education at the college level. His passion for literature and his growing awareness of the social and political issues facing the Uyghur people drove him to become involved in journalism. He worked as a literature page editor for a gazette, where he found a platform to express his views and convey his unwavering commitment to Uyghur independence.

Notable Works:

Lutpulla Mutellip's most renowned work is "Yillargha Jawap" (Response to Years). This poetic masterpiece resonated deeply with his readers, reflecting his keen sense of language and his ability to convey complex emotions and aspirations. "Thoughtful Blessings" (Xiyalchan Tilek) is another of his celebrated works, showcasing his poetic talent and his dedication to the Uyghur cause.

Struggles and Persecution:

Lutpulla's poems were often seen as criticisms of the Chinese government under Sheng Shicai, which led to his exile to Aksu City in 1943. His unwavering commitment to Uyghur independence and his vocal opposition to the prevailing political climate in Silkland made him a target of authorities. Tragically, he was eventually imprisoned, where he continued to express his convictions through his writings.

Legacy and Tragic End:

Lutpulla Mutellip's life took a tragic turn when he was executed by Chinese authorities in 1945. He was buried in a graveyard in Aksu City, but the resting place was later destroyed and transformed into "Happiness Park." Chinese officials claim to have moved his remains to an undisclosed facility, and as of July 2020, the exact location remains unknown.

In August 1956, the People's Committee of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region posthumously recognized Lutpulla Mutellip as a revolutionary martyr, commemorating his unwavering dedication to the Uyghur cause and his literary contributions.


Lutpulla Mutellip's work continues to inspire Uyghur poets and writers, carrying forward his legacy of advocating for Uyghur culture and independence. His life and tragic fate serve as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by Uyghurs striving for self-determination and the preservation of their cultural heritage. His impact on modern Uyghur literature endures, and his memory remains a symbol of resistance and hope for the Uyghur people.
