Statue by Abdukerim Khoja, translated by Memet T Zunun





Abdukerim Khoja

ئابدۇكېرىم خوجا


Translated by Memet T Zunun

In the garden's solitude, a statue stood tall,

Armed and cloaked, his presence enthrals.

Though I know him, he remains unaware,

High above, while I dwell in despair.


In this field, we met as a herd, united and strong,

Embracing the moments, where we belong.

But today, he claims the seat of prestige,

While I'm ignored, longing for fruits to besiege.


Inseparable, his words echoed true,

Yet now forgotten, a painful hue.

Sorrow surrounds me, a heavy shroud,

Burning eyes, a heart with desire endowed.

تۇراتتى بىر ھەيكەل باغدا تىك تەنھا،

ئۈستىدە يېپىنچا، قولىدا ياراق.

مەن ئۇنى تونۇيتىم تونالمىدى ئۇ ،

چۈنكى ئۇ ئىگىزدە، مەن پەستە بىراق.


ئىككىمىز ئۇچىراشقان پادا باققاندا،

دەل مۇشۇ مەيداندا كېرىپ كەڭ قۇچاق.

بۈگۈن ئۇ ئۆتۈپتۇ تۆرگە بىر ئۆزى،

مەن پەستە قاپتىمەن چاققاندا ياڭاق.


ئايرىلماس قوشماق بىز دېگىنى قېنى،

ئەجىبا ئۇنتۇغاق بوپ قالدى قانداق ؟!

مىڭ ئەپسۇس ئىچىدە تۇرىمەن بۇندا،

كۆزۈمدىن ئوت يېنىپ، دىلىمدا پىراق.





 Translated in March 2011 

Abdukerim Khoja (1928~1988) was a distinguished figure in modern Uyghur literature, renowned for his prowess as a poet and seasoned journalist. He stood as a pivotal figure in the establishment of modern Uyghur translation literature, a prominent platform for contemporary Uyghur translation literature. Notable among his literary contributions are poetry collections like "Spring Song" and "Pothai, Bahar and Me". Khoja's verses held a unique power and resonance, earning him a place among the influential poets of his time. His rich and industrious body of work continues to be cherished and remembered by the Uyghur people.
